Page updated 10 February 2022
WMCC Risk Assessment Document is available for downloading [HERE as a PDF]
All hirers are required to have read this document and take the actions specified.
Hirers should prepare their own risk assessment and follow all relevant government and appropriate governing body regulations.
Restrictions (almost) lifted! 10th February 2022
Whilst Government regulations have largely been withdrawn, we encourage our hirers and visitors to use their best judgement and keep themselves and others safe. We recommend you wear a face covering in the centre, but this is not a requirement any more. You must however carry on with the good hygiene habits we have all gotten used to over the last two years!
The hooks have been removed from the fire doors as this was deemed to be a fire risk. We are aware that this limits the ventilation options so please use the windows to get fresh air circulating.
Previous communications….
Preparing for Freedom Day - 19th July 2021
The centre has been back open for a few months now, and many of our hirers have been able to return. With the lifting of regulations from 19th July we are hoping to welcome even more of you back with us.
The centre’s risk assessment has been updated and now recommends the use of face coverings and social distancing - we want you and our staff to be as safe as possible so please follow this guidance as much as possible and remember to get your attendees to scan in using the NHS COVID App or record their attendance manually. If you have anyone attending who later tests positive for COVID-19 you MUST report it to us so we can take appropriate action.
The kitchen areas are now available for use, but please bring your own crockery etc.
Many thanks and stay safe!
David Campbell
WMCA Vice Chair and COVID-19 coordinator
We’re Back! (nearly) - 21st April 2021
Up to today, 21st April, West Maldon Community Centre was being used as a CODID-19 rapid test centre, this is now closed and we can start preparing the hall for our lovely hirers. As of last week, essential businesses were allowed to re-open and whilst this includes community centres, many of our hirers will not be permitted to return just yet so we want to share our proposed re-opening timeline with you.
We have decided that this year, much of our annual maintenance shutdown will take place in early May, this allows us to make good use of the quiet time and means that we will not be closing for the usual two weeks in August although some work will still take place, hopefully with minor disruption.
So, assuming that the government guidelines and dates don’t change, we will be re-opening our doors for hires from 17th May!
As was the case during the Tier system last year, WMCC will review and publish our own risk assessment document and will have procedures in place for cleanliness, ventilation etc. but it is vital that each hirer performs their own risk assessment and follows the guidelines from the government and their governing body as well as from WMCC.
If you haven’t already done so, please contact Lisa, our booking officer to get your sessions booked in. She is best contacted by email on
On behalf of the whole team at West Maldon, we are really looking forward to getting the centre back up and running as normally as possible and hope to see you soon!
COVID-19 Test Centre - CLOSED on 21 April
West Maldon Community Centre has been taken over by Essex County Council as a COVID-19 testing centre.
For appointments and all other information about the tests please refer to Essex County Council [here]
Unfortunately, this means that we will be closed for bookings until further notice, possibly through to the Summer but this is not yet confirmed.
For any other information about the centre, please contact
Tier 4. 20th December 2020
Along with much of Essex, Maldon is now in Tier 4. For the centre this doesn’t make much difference as the very few support groups that were permitted to return can continue if they wish.
We all wish you a safe and cosy Christmas.
Back to Tier 2. Thursday 3rd December 2020
Hello again everyone, we hope everyone is keeping well.
As I write this, we are preparing to come out of lockdown (again) into Tier 2 (again) and we can start to welcome some more groups back into the Community Centre. Whilst Maldon seems to be faring better than many areas in terms of numbers of COVID-19 cases, we all cannot afford to relax too much and must be careful to follow the appropriate guidance for the Centre and for your activities.
Please take a few moments to read the WMCC COVID-19 Risk Assessment which is displayed at the centre and can be downloaded from the links at the top of this page.
When planning your return to the centre, we ask that you follow government guidelines for the current tier (Tier 2 from 2nd December):
These rules forbid socialising but do permit formal support groups plus certain exercise and sporting activities – all with specific restrictions, so we insist that where they exist, hirers must follow the guidance provided by the appropriate governing body for the activity and have prepared their own specific risk assessment.
A few reminders for the use of the centre:
We strongly recommend that you keep the room you are using well ventilated by opening windows or in the main hall by using the extractor fan. From today, we are also requiring you to leave the extractor fan on maximum setting when you have finished your session in the main hall.
Please continue to maintain good cleanliness practices, by washing/sanitising your hands and wiping down surfaces after use.
Face coverings must be worn in shared areas such as corridors and toilets.
Everyone who is able, should check-in using the NHS Covid-19 mobile phone app to scan the barcode posters displayed throughout the centre – groups must also maintain their own register of attendees and notify the centre immediately if any of their members have a positive COVID-19 test or display symptoms.
The kitchen remains closed and hirers should remind their attendees to bring their own water as refilling bottles at the centre is not permitted.
If you have not already done so, please get in contact with our booking officer Lisa at discuss resuming your bookings.
Thanks for reading this and stay safe!
David Campbell, on behalf of the West Maldon Community Association
Lockdown. November 2020
As we are entering another lockdown on 5th November, almost all our bookings will have to be cancelled for the duration. If you are affected, you will receive an email from our booking officer, we would be grateful if you could acknowledge this.
We are planning to remain open for a very few groups that are considered essential and are able to continue meeting. Please send any queries to
We look forward to seeing you all back with us as soon as possible.
Elevation to a High Risk status. 19 October 2020
From Saturday 17th October, Maldon and much of Essex has been classified as a high-risk (Tier 2) area. All hirers must review their risk assessments and consider if their sessions should proceed or not. All hires must be cancelled before hand otherwise they will be chargeable.
Remember that all groups must maintain an attendance register in addition to encouraging their attendees to check in using the NHS Covid-19 App and the QR codes displayed around the centre. Notify the centre immediately if any of you attendees are diagnosed with Covid-19.
Parties and Social events, 11th September 2020
With the current Government guidelines from 14 September, we can no longer hire the centre for parties or social gatherings of more than 6 people. Hirers with existing party or purely social bookings will be contacted by the booking officer.
Organisers of other event types must ensure that they meet Government guidelines in place at the time of their hire. A Coronavirus specific Risk Assessment must be in place before the hire.
An update regarding Air Conditioning and Face Masks, 2nd September 2020
A number of people has asked about the use of Air Conditioning at the centre, especially as these units also provide heating for the hall. It is proving exceptionally difficult to offer concrete advice on this subject to our users. In this memo, we include what information and links we have found, but our recommendation is that wherever possible, you open the windows, use the large extractor fan if in the main hall and do not use the air conditioning system for cooling or heating. We request that even if you choose to use the units, that some external ventilation is maintained. Please close the windows before you leave.
We have spoken with the Air Conditioning engineer and their recommendation is still that windows should be open whenever possible to increase air circulation. The aircon units recycle air, they do not pull clean air in from outside. They have been cleaned and serviced this week.
The government guidelines that apply to the centre are “COVID-19: Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities” at this web site:
This document says “Where possible, non-fire doors and windows should be opened to improve ventilation in the premises.“
And “taking steps to improve ventilation as far as possible and whenever possible, both through the use of mechanical systems and opening windows and doors”
It does not however explicitly mention Air Conditioning.
The Health and Safety executive include this guidance for Workplaces:
“General ventilation: Where possible, consider ways to maintain and increase the supply of fresh air, for example, by opening windows and doors (unless fire doors).
Air conditioning: The risk of air conditioning spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace is extremely low as long as there is an adequate supply of fresh air and ventilation. You can continue using most types of air conditioning system as normal.“
With regards to the wearing of Face Masks, the community facilities guidance linked above states that:
“From 8 August, face coverings will be required by law to be worn in a greater number of public indoor settings including: community facilities, museums, galleries, cinemas, places of worship, and public libraries.
On entering a community facility users will be required to wear a face covering, and will be required to keep it on, unless covered under a ‘reasonable excuse’. This could be for a gym class, if users need to eat or drink something, or if they have a health or disability reason to not wear one. Face coverings can be removed if users are undertaking exercise or an activity where it would negatively impact their ability to do so.” It references this page: which explicitly adds community centres to the list of places where masks must be worn and says “You are expected to wear a face covering before entering any of these settings and must keep it on until you leave unless there is a reasonable excuse for removing it.”
Because of these guidelines, we are asking for all attendees and visitors to the centre wear a face covering whilst entering and leaving the building, and when in one of the communal areas except for the reasons listed above. It is up to the individual(s) responsible for each event/hire to interpret how the government guidance apply to their attendees.
David Campbell,
Vice Chairperson, West Maldon Community Association
A letter from the Committee regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Below is a copy of a letter sent to our regular hirers describing when we plan to reopen the centre.
We will be re-opening the Centre from 7th September 2020.
We are in the process of carrying out a Full Risk Assessment and will make sure that all the necessary steps have been taken to ensure that the WMCC meets its Health and Safety obligations. This will obviously include the installation of hand sanitiser dispensers, signage and the availability of cleaning products. It will, however, be down to each Hirer to carry out their own Risk Assessment and ensure that the Hire can proceed in line with Government Rules and Guidelines at that time. I appreciate that this is difficult where those Guidelines seem to change daily and are often very vague.
Please can you e-mail if you do wish to book from September. I imagine that for many of you there is still a huge amount of uncertainty about when your Group can re-start, and then the numbers that can be accommodated at that time. The Centre has, however, taken a significant financial hit over the last 3 months and we need to start booking hirers back in. We will prioritise groups booked in when we had to close – but cannot afford to hold slots open. Please can we also ask you to make sure that if you do book in that you are confident that your Group can run in one format or another. If Groups cancel at the last minute, where we have turned other long-term bookings away, then it is going to be very long financial recovery.
Please can I also stress that the Committee and Duncan cannot advise you on your Risk Assessment and how to run your Groups safely. We are, however, here to answer any questions that you may have as to what we can do to help and of course welcome any suggestions and feedback. Please could I ask that any initial queries or concerns are raised in an e-mail to
We hope that we will be able to welcome you all back in September.
Many thanks
Sarah Richardson,
Chairperson, West Maldon Community Association