Editorial Maldon Life July 2021

We would firstly like to introduce you to The West Maldon Table Tennis Club, who play in the large hall at the community centre and who provide a range of playing opportunities for new and seasoned players.

On Mondays the club organises junior training from 6-30pm to 7.30pm on four tables with numbers limited to ten participants, the age group is from year five primary age to teen’s and is ideal for anyone wishing to learn the basic rudiments of the game.

From 7.30 onwards they hold their club evenings and this is where they look forward to welcoming friends from other table tennis clubs. They do not restrict playing ability, but it is intended more for players who are keen on improving their game. Play goes on until 10.45pm.

On Tuesday afternoons they hold one of the popular bat and chat groups from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm . This is a sociable adult group open to any ability and is exactly as described in its title. You will quite often see play stop in the middle of the set and discussion start.

Stopping for coffee and biscuits about 3.30pm. or so is a treat they look forward to.

The cost of these groups is great value at just £3-00 a session.

If you are interested in taking up table tennis or joining one of the groups, then West Maldon Table Tennis Club is the perfect place to learn.

You can find out more by contacting Louis Gunn on 07858 992715 Or email acik24@hotmail.com

Alternatively leave a message on the West Maldon Table Tennis Club Facebook Page and they will respond accordingly.

Now if you fancy something totally different, how about Belly dancing?

Bellydance is a fantastic way to energise, boost your confidence, feel fitter and make some new friends.

This group of ladies have great fun, make friends, and hear the vibrant exotic music of the Middle East. They learn and practice the moves and steps of Egyptian dance; practice short sequences; and learn the choreography to some beautiful music.

It is an opportunity to wear colourful clothes, put on some glitzy bangles and big sparkly earrings, and step outside of the routines and mundane day to day practicalities.

If you would like to come along and try a class they are held on Mondays between

Monday 12.15 - 1.15pm. With the cost just £10 a session.

All you need is to wear a loose skirt, a colourful scarf to use as a hip scarf, and a desire to have some lighthearted fun, tone those muscles, and express the feminine goddess within. You will receive a great welcome from the class. All women, of all ages, can enjoy the sessions.

Contact: Carole. carole_essexyoga@yahoo.co.uk

Mob: 07484 371828

Finally the last group we’d like to bring to your attention this month is Strollercise.

Run by Soo Fuller and Sam Henry - Stroll your way to fitness and have fun doing it.

Strollercise is a fun, low impact exercise class set to the fabulous sounds of the 1950s and 1960s. It is suitable for all ages and abilities, it is COVID safe and naturally socially distanced as everyone exercises on their own, in lines and in set out boxes making sure that everyone is always 2 metres apart.. The movements are based on the dances of the 1950s, line dancing and country dancing. It is dancing but at a walking pace basically.

Contact details are below along with a photo of Sam and Soo. They run classes here at the centre and also at Champions hall, South Woodham Ferrers. With a dedicated website, why not find out more by visiting www.strollercise.co.uk . Classes are suitable for all ages and are currently available on a Wednesday afternoon at 5.30 pm here at the Community Centre at a cost of just £5. With other times/days available in South Woodham Ferrers. ,

If you require any further information or would like to give it a try please call Soo on 07772 733887. She’d love to hear from you.

All groups operate within COVID secure guidelines so why not get out and about and start living life to the full once again.

More next month.


Editorial Maldon Life August 2021


Editorial Maldon Life June 2021